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While the competition has now finished we are still looking for people to submit ideas for inclusion on the website and to form part of a future exhbition. Please download the brief and submit your ideas for hope the vote, the running of elections and the forming of government can be changed.

When we received the entries for our previous competition (Common of Houses: No Expense Spared) we noticed that most entrants were keen not just to see changes in the rules governing MPs’ expenses but also to see major changes in the way in which Government is actually formed and operates.

We started to think about other aspects of Government policy/ procedures that could do with a creative redesign. If we were to start again, what, and how would designers change the way that politics runs in this country? With the election guaranteed to be coming up in May 2010 there seemed like only one sensible place to start – the vote.

“In a representative democracy, voting commonly implies election: a way for an electorate to select among candidates for office. In politics voting is the method by which the electorate of a democracy appoints representatives in its government.”

Voting reform is a bit of a hot topic at the moment, not just because of the forth coming election but also as “reform” has become a bit of a political toy in the wake of the MPs’ expense fiasco with each of the main parties trying to outdo each other in the drastic measures they advise are required to fix the “broken” system. One of these measures being electoral reform, but how enthusiastic are the main parties to change a system which has served them so well for so long?

This is where we need you, the creative minds of the UK (and elsewhere). Basically the challenge is to suggest how you would redesign the voting system. This could be through:

1. Redesigning the voting forms for the current system.
2. Designing a new voting form for one of the alternative voting systems or your own.
3. Designing how the vote is actually taken – punch card, electronic machine, ticking a box.
4. Another aspect of the vote ie a poster encouraging people to vote.

Exactly how this works is up to you. It could be a dating agency questionaire to match you to a party with similar views or it could be a large jar of coloured marbles which get drop into a slot. For more information on alternative forms of voting system please read a short description here.

A panel of judges reviewed all the entries and will chose their favourite for a prize.

As per our previous competition the prize is decided by the entrants. Each entrant is asked to submit a prize nomination. Thses nominations will then be put to the public vote. If your design is successful, we will try to provide you with whatever is the voted upon prize. As the budget is limited - there obviously may have to be artistic license used in the representation of your prize.

While the competition has now finished we are still looking for people to submit ideas for inclusion on the website and to form part of a future exhbition. Please download the brief and submit your ideas for hope the vote, the running of elections and the forming of government can be changed.



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